No one want to say that he brokes something / Фото: Наталья Феоктистова, «Вечерняя Москва»

What football fans should not do in russian hotels

American magazine «Reader’s digest» on the eve of the World Cup in Russia wrote an interesting short list for fans of behavior rules in hotels.

So, this short-list «15 Things You Should Never, Ever Do in a Hotel Room» consists of 15 points:

1. Steal the bathrobes

2. Break something and lie about it

3. Cook anything without a proper kitchen area

4. Leave important jewelry in your suitcase or dresser

5. Keep your bathroom door ajar when taking a shower

6. Cover up the smoke alarms

7. Forget to inspect the bed

8. Restock the minibar

9. Boil your undies in the kettle

10. Use the throw pillows

11. Use the fire sprinkler as a coat hanger

12. Send sensitive information over hotel Wi-Fi

13. Forget that you recently dyed your hair

14. Walk with heavy feet

15. Sneak in your pets

The Russian Hotel Association president Gennady Lamshin explained to newspaper «The Evening Moscow», why these rules are not suitable for foothball fans from other countries, that will come soon to Russia:

- All hotels, not only for the World Cup guests and fans, have prepared special instructions in Russian and English explaining what you can and what you can not do. They contain absolutely all the rules. Once I saw the guests washing dishes in a bidet. Or drying dishes in a bidet. And they weren't citizens from uncivilized countries, they were Americans - technical staff of the US Embassy from 1992 to 1996 in one of Moscow hotels. Chinese citizens also tried to wash dishes in a bidet. But it was ten years ago.

«The Evening Moscow» also asked a member of the presidium of tour operators in Russia Alexander Maklyarovsky to comment on these rules.

- In my opinion, the journalist who compiled this list is less adequate than any violator. Moscow hotels offer rooms at very high prices. And if one cooks something in a teapot, nothing terrible will happen. Moscow hotels have the same prohibitions as in other hotels from all over the world. There were some problems with Chinese citizens when they started to travel to other countries  ten years ago. They washed socks or brewed their fast food in rooms, so there was a specific smell on thоse floors. But today we don't face such problems. The behavior has strongly changed.

As for property damage: no one wants to admit that he or she has broken something. The administration in good hotels doesn’t notice it. In economic hotels (two or three stars) the administration notices everything and trying to get money. But today we are talking about the World Championships - the hotel room costs at least 150 euros, and nobody will be worried about little problems and damages. Moreover, the most experienced travelers will come to the World Cup. 

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Чего не стоит делать болельщикам Чемпионата мира по футболу в отелях

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